PAUL, The "Chosen Vessel"!


Question:  Is Paul of Tarsus an historical personality that really walked the face of Earth?


Paul was a "Chosen Vessel", (Acts 9:15), to give Israel guidance and understanding, the understanding they needed of the "New Covenant" (Jer. 31:31- 37) had they accepted Christ as Messiah, to guide them into the "Kingdom Age".  Had they accepted Paul's message and Christ as Messiah, John the Baptist would have "been as Elijah" (Matt.11:14 and 17:9-13), as Jesus stated.  When they rejected, he became 100% "the Apostle to the Gentiles" (Romans 11:13).  This statement refutes the oft made comment by some Church leaders and teachers, that "Paul's teaching, and Christ's teaching contradict".  It is a profound truth, that Paul was the mouthpiece of Christ after His resurrection, and therefore the words of Paul are the words of Christ Himself!  To understand that, is to see that Paul's words must be revered and used for understanding of the complex events following Pentecost, and the events that Peter was describing!  When it is realised that Paul's words are Christ's Words, a new impetuous and accuracy is added to the interpretation of the Bible, in the sense that instead of Christ's and Paul's teachings appearing to conflict, as so many Churches teach, they are interwoven in the Truth of the Word!  The onus is on us to see the real meanings!


PAUL and Acts 28!

Paul and Israel!

Paul and the Corinthians

Paul as a Jew!

PAUL'S Blinding

Paul's Changing Mission!

Paul Pre-Acts 28:28

Paul (The Chosen Vessel) Explains His Purpose

Paul's Gentile Action

Paul's Work


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