Revelation, the Book


Question:  What is the book of Revelation?  Why is it called the Apocalypse?  Are there any other books that are called this way?


Revelation describes the Culmination of the Plan of God Almighty for the peoples of the Earth, particularly the Jewish People, and the surviving remaining Gentiles/Nations.

It must be seen and understood in the context of the whole Bible, from Genesis 1; and particularly with reference to the Prophets of Israel; notably Daniel and Isaiah (quoted by our Lord, see Matt. 24 etc.).

It describes the “revealing” (Apocalypse) of Christ Jesus, as never before.  As the Jews are being brought back into Blessing as Prime Object of Jehovah God, much of the content is primarily Jewish, with implication and consequences for individual Gentiles and Gentile Nations.

It describes the battle for human allegiance between God and Satan, with “Sealing” and “markings” for both groups of human forces.

It describes the criterion for the “Overcomers” of God’s people, and also that of Satan’s people.  It describes the destinations of both groups.

It reveals the release of the “Seals”, by the only “Worthy One”, “The Lamb of God”! It describes “Jacob’s” Trouble on Israel, (i.e. within the last 7 years of Daniel’s 490 year prophecy; (see: The 490 years Prophecy given t)o Daniel by Gabriel) and also the “Holy Vengeance” of God on His enemies in the “Nations”.

It describes God's intervention in the world (Satan's) system (Mystery Babylon), and its removal; (see: The Day of the Lord: Rev. Chps. 1,2,4,7,15 & 22) and Rev. 1:10!

Description is given of the “binding” of Satan for 1,000 years, his release, and his judgement and consequences, together with his forces!

The “Great White Throne Judgement” is described, with its criterion!

Death and the grave are destroyed, together with Satan.

See:  REVELATION  (Comment)


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