Question:  Do people take the Book of Revelation literally?


There are now around the world, many teachings from the Bible that when compared, are different, and which conflict!  This leaves people in the many Churches, Denominations and Groups, in a state of reliance on their leaders, with conflicting emotions, and in many cases, anger as the leaders will not give clarity when comparing with the Bible; and or demand childlike obedience to them!

Witness Northern Ireland, the history of religion in Europe over the last few hundred years, etc. and the continuing religious strife’s all over the world!

This need not be!

The cause is the lack of true understanding of different 'times' (Ages) (Administrations) (Dispensations), which are linked to God's dealings with mankind (Israel and the Gentile Nations), and the changing priorities from one to the other, and Satan’s roles (prophesied in the Bible).

A very clear example is the change at Acts 28:25-28, when the Nation of Israel was 'put to one side' (Lo-Ammi), because of their rejection of Jesus Christ, their long awaited Messiah!

At that stage (Acts 28:28), the Gentiles became prime object for the Almighty; as His chosen people, the Jews, were put to one side for a period of time; (called Lo Ammi)until the "times of the Gentiles" is completed (Rom. 11:25-27)!  Since then a 'new man' (Eph. 2:15) (the Body of Christ) (see: Body of Christ and the Bride of Christ) began to be formed, in approx. AD 61, which process is still underway!  (See: Bible Dispensations).

When that 'new man' (The Body) is complete, Israel will become 'prime-object' again in the next Age time (Dispensation)!



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