Prayer in the Tribulation


Extracts and comments from Revelation Chap. 8:3b, 4, & 5b



And  another angel came and stood at the alter, having a golden (a)censer; and there was given to him much incense, in order that he should offer it with the (b)prayers of all the (c)saints upon the (d)golden alter which was before the throne.

(b) "Prayers"; this is a vast subject, but put simply it is the sincere internal expression to Jehovah/Christ/God, from the individual for purpose, as Scripture puts it (Jn. 4:23-24) "in spirit and in truth".  Our Lord showed that "vain repetition" (Matt. 6:7) is of no consequence to God.  Instead, He showed the format to His disciples.  He also showed that private, individual prayer to be of great value to Jehovah Father (Matt. 6:6), and that it has a correct order of priority, (Matt. 6:9-13).  The sincere Christian knows the importance of Christ's return, and the need for the present order to be overturned, and "the Kingdom of God", on Earth to come, and that should be central in their hearts, minds and prayer.  The Greek word used in this verse is "Proseuche", which has the meaning of "personal devotion", offered to the "all powerful God", (App. 134 II 2).


And the (a)smoke of the incense, which came with the (b)prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angel's hand.



And the angel took the censer, and filled it with (c)fire of the (d)alter, and cast it into the Earth: and there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake.

b) "Prayers of the saints"; (see notes V.3) the clear Biblical definition of these people as given in verse 3 comments, shows that their prayer for justice and vengeance (Chp. 6:10) which is undoubtedly the prayer of all "saints", (or should be), is added to the incense.  This (incense of prayer), can only come (in truth) from those whom Christ has redeemed, and the prayer is therefore by the "spirit of Christ", frankincense and myrrh.


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