Question:  What is the significance of the sequence 2:22?


Your question is of interest to us, as 888 is the number of the Name of Jesus, in Greek Gematria!

For us, 222 has special interest in a private Acrostic; which leaves us with a heightened awareness of this current year!

As the number 4 in Bible numerics“creative works”; and 3= “completeness” (Numbers in Scripture) the fact of 2x4 =8; and the Name of Jesus represents “the completed work of Salvation”; or “God is our Salvation”; the message to us is that this year may be special!

The following is extracted from earlier Paper:

Where the Bible uses numbers therefore it is extremely important, and careful note must be taken as to meaning.

It is noteworthy that SSS = 666 in this method, which forms the symbol of Isis, which derived from Egypt; which derived from Babylon.

SSS is also the secret symbol of the "Old Mysteries", all of which emanate from Ancient Babylon.

(See:  Babylon  &  Mystery Babylon:) 

They spread across the world, to China and the Far East via. India; to Europe via. Egypt, and Greece; to South America via. the mid. - Atlantic islands.  These carriers are now known by genetic testing to be Iberian, the same tests show Siberian and Polynesian genetics in the north and South American Indians, which according to archaeological dating is many thousands of years before Columbus!

Latterly to the so called "new world countries", by emigration.  In the case of Europe, the Greek teachings of Plato, Socrates and others entered the Christendom teachings, and have led to many errors now taught in official theology.  Satan heads up all of these false ideas and religions, and in his final attempt on Earth, will bring all of the above into play, as he captures the hearts and minds of people in each country.

666 was the secret symbol of the Ancient pagan mysteries connected with the worship of the Devil, and the number has some surprising meanings already known.  For example, the Romans only used six of their letters as numbers i.e. D,C,L,X,V & I. As shown below they total 666!

D = 500)

C = 100) 600

L = 50)

X = 10) 60

V = 5)

I = 1) 6       666

When using the Greek language for Gematria, 666 becomes SSS, the Ancient mysteries symbol, as S = 6.  A special form of S was used called "STIGMA", which means MARK, by branding!!  This was used on cattle, slaves, soldiers etc., by those that owned them.  Some remarkable historic facts are: (Numbers in Scripture: Dr. E.W. Bullinger).

1) The duration of the old Assyrian Empire, 666 years.

2) Jerusalem trodden down by Rome 666 years.

3) Goliath was 6 cubits tall, had 6 pieces of armour, his spear 600 shekels of iron (1Sam. 17:4-7), (Goliath was considered Nephilim)!

4) Nebuchadnezzar's "image", 60 cubits tall, 6 cubits broad (Dan. 3:1), and was worshipped when music played on 6 specific instruments.

5) 666 talents of gold brought to Solomon in a year (1Kings 10:14).

The number of man in Scripture is 6, and where it is at its maximum concentration is 666!  (As 3 in Scripture denotes completeness).  Man has ruled the world disastrously since Adam.   When the 666 is finished, God's rule on Earth begins, and lasts 1000 years, prior to the new Heaven and Earth (Rev. 21:1).  The rule on Earth will have Christ Jesus at the focal point of power and rule (Jerusalem), (Zech.) etc.  There is much that can be said about the number 888, but put simply it is the number of the name of Jesus in Greek Gematria.  The Hebrew (SH'MONEH), from the root (SHAH'MEYN), "to make fat", "cover with fat", "to super abound", is the Hebrew number 8 by Gematria.  It also represents in Scripture, "resurrection", "regeneration", "a new beginning or commencement"!  Hence the perfect completeness (3) of 8 = 888 = Jesus Christ in Millennial.  The number 8 permeates the whole of Scripture, which speaks of CHRIST!

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