Question: Is Doomsday prepping reasonable or logical to do?


It is a natural thing to do, as we are human!

However one defines “Doomsday”, it is inescapable!

In our case, we were extremely moved at a young age to try to find the “meaning of life”; and in so doing we became “Christ-Ones”; i.e. Christians.

That led to knowledge over time of the understanding of the Bible, which led to the Words of Jesus regarding the eventual end of this “Age-Time”!

Since then, much has happened in the world; and now almost all the world is resigned to destruction, in one form or other!

For us; we rest on the Words of Christ - Jesus in Matt. 24 and 25, in the full assurance that we and our world- wide associates will not be deceived by the world politics and present world prince!

(John 14:30)!

See:  "End Age" events affecting Israel, and the world  (Study)


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