Question: Can you provide any examples from the Bible where something terrible happened but ultimately led to a positive outcome?
Yes; the Crucifixion of Christ Jesus; which Satan (and many in mankind) see as Satan’s victory!
The world's people are being worked on by God’s enemies, to defame the Bible, and to try to establish the fact of Christ’s Resurrection as falsehood; It will not be until His 2nd Advent, that the world will take realistic notice of the fact that Christ Jesus died for all mankind’s sin and sinning; and they still have the chance to accept God’s Great Offer of “Redemption, and Eternal life”!
The “Book of Life” (Rev. 20:12), contains the names of all people; that remains the case until it is opened at the “Great White Throne”; to remain in it is in the “Gift to all people”; they make the decision to remove it!
Moses tried to use his name in the “Book Of Life”, (Exod. 32:30–33); asking God to remove it to save errant Israel; God refused, and stated that He decided who would be removed; so you see the great privilege afforded by God to mankind at present; the decision is made by each person!
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