Sun Created Prior to Gen. 1-3?


Question: Why does the Bible claim that the Sun was created after Creation of the Earth?


There is major misunderstanding of the Gen.1 and 2!

Question; Is the meaning of the word light in Genesis 1:3-5 different from Genesis 1:16-18?

Starting at the beginning of the Bible, and reading Gen. 1:1 (KJV Companion Bible) we see:

"In the beginning God (Heb. Elohim) created The Heaven/s (the Hebrew word is always plural ) and the Earth".

Gen. 1:2 states:

"And the Earth was (became) without form, (waste) and void; and darkness was (became) on the face of the deep".

So the corrected text (to the Hebrew) reads:

"And the Earth became without form, and waste; and darkness came on the face of the deep".

Clearly something happened after Gen.1:1, and was between that and Gen.1:2!

The fact seems to be that God Himself ended whatever was in that time period between the two verses. The following extract is from (Revelation 13:8).

V. 8 And all that dwell upon the Earth shall (a)worship him every one whose name is not written in the (b)Book of the Life of the Lamb slain, from the foundation of the world.

(b) "Book of the Life of the Lamb slain, from the foundation of the world".  The word "foundation" in Greek is "Katabole", which means overthrow!  This seems to have occurred at some stage between Gen. 1:1, and Gen. 1:2.  No information is given as to the reason, but is implicit in Almighty God's Plan of Redemption in Christ, as the Lamb's Book of Life started after that event!  Much clarity is given by Paul and Peter regarding this juncture point.  It is clear from Eph. 1:4, and 1Peter 1:20 that some are "known", before the "overthrow", some after.  Only Christ and His Body as shown in Eph. 1:4 and 1Peter 1:20 are "known" before the overthrow (foundation).  Those after are the Jew, and other groups, i.e. perhaps Christendom (religious but not of the Body of Christ), Overcomers of Revelation, and all who must eventually stand before the Great White Throne for Judgement.  Here those after are referred to.  Those before are in the opinion of the writers no longer on Earth as mentioned earlier.  Some opinions are that The Lamb's Book of Life started before the overthrow/foundation, which however is not the writers view, as that does not concur with Scripture's statements, (see ref. Rev. 3:5(c)).  What is clear is that The Lamb's Blood is retrospective from the overthrow/foundation, and that there are two groupings, those known before and those after.

There are a number of other very strong clues to this hypothesis.  The basic idea is that of "ruin", brought about by an Enemy!   In 2Peter 3:5-7, a description is given of a desolate planet which almost everybody thinks is the post Noah Flood situation.  That is most certainly not the case.  Verse 7 states; "But the Heavens and the Earth which are now". This clearly does not refer to the world between Gen.1-2, as "now" the Heavenly bodies are still intact for their purpose of "light" (which is Gen. 1-3, after the gap between Gen.1-2)!  The post Noah Flood, enabled a "replenishment" of the Earth with non- only Noah's family was able to do, see Gen. 7:1.  Nephilim bloodstock, of which The reason for the Flood of Noah, is described in Gen. 6, and is a strong clue as to the ending of the previous world of Gen. 1:1.  (See: Ark of Noah ).

Further clues as briefly shown above are the mistranslation of critical words, right at the beginning of the Bible, which serve the purpose of our great Enemy Satan(not forgetting that he had/has the audacity and freedom to even try to use Scripture against the Lord of Glory Himself)!

The first word is in Gen.1:2, "was", correctly translated is became.  The word "was" implies a state that God had Created, instead of becoming that way for a reason!  Became also shows past tense, which in the error of the translators is not shown!

The next error is "without form", corrected to waste, which when put together with the rest of the verse shows that "the Earth became waste and dark" (at some stage in the duration of that existence); and clearly at the volition of Almighty God; and for good reason, as hinted above in Gen. 6; and shown below.

We know now, due to relatively recent discoveries,  that many creatures, both manlike, and great and small creatures have existed in the ancient past.  Some seem to be monsters of great size and weird construction. Others in the form of man, but not the same!  All are old, some very oldbut manlike creatures seem to range in age from 20-30,000 years to millions of years, if the accounts on record are correct; (See Google listing, which also lists the Smithsonian as attempting to destroy these evidences so as to strengthen the Evolution theory!)


Genesis 1:1 Enigma  (Study)

Genesis 1 and 2  (Study)


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