Sarah and Hagar, Ishmael and Isaac!

Question: What was the relationship between Hagar and Sarah, the wives of Abraham and mothers of Ismael and Isaac?


Sarah was the wife of Abram; and Hagar the handmaiden of Sarah.

God had promised Sarah that she would bear a son; even when she and Abram knew she was sterile.  Sarah became impatient when she did not conceive, and suggested to Abram that he impregnate Hagar!

Hagar bore a son “Ishmael”; which caused trouble with Sarah, who was jealous, and banished Hagar and Ishmael; but God rescued them from the desert, and they returned to Abram’s camp.

Because of the anger and jealousy of Sarah, and the fact that Hagar had born of the seed of Abram (a friend of God); God stated that Ishmael would be the father of many nations (but would be a wild man, his hand against all men)!

Subsequently, Sarah became pregnant and bore Isaac (son of promise and miracle); with whom the Covenant of Almighty God was established and continued through to Jacob etc. onwards; through to Christ Jesus Messiah!

Abram’s name was changed to “Abraham”, and he became the father of many nations!



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