Revelation Knowledge

Question: Why is the book of Revelation difficult to interpret?  Who wrote it and what was their relationship with Jesus?


As stated in Chp.1; Revelation was scribed by "His (God's) servant John"!

We all have to remember that the Bible is “Almighty God’s Book”, and total message to mankind!  Also; that God made clear His reason for its existence, (John 3:16)!

In my own case, I had to get to know the whole Book prior to Revelation fitting together; but I found that I was ‘drawn’ frequently to Revelation; and realising its importance to all my/our Christian existence!

This may not be the same for us all, but I am convinced that there will be similarities with God’s people who are foreknown for the Body of Christ Jesus!

My wife and I made notes in our studies, and in the case of Revelation, have made them available to all who are interested; but to be used with prayerful care with your own Bibles, and what the Holy Spirit of God will reveal to you, as there will be many revealing's to different people; but with common themes!


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