Joshua and the Sun's stilling!

Question: Is this verse “the sun stood still and the moon stopped, till the nation avenged itself on its enemies…  The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down about a full day” in Joshua 10:13 one of the false Bible verses?

It is only false and painful to the Bible naysayers, and agents of Satan!

On the general principle of the Bible’s remarkable recordings of God’s activities through men of God such as you have quoted, they are all so remarkable as to give them the appellation; Miracles!

The fact that so many people find them so difficult as a show of Almighty God’s Infinite Power, is surprising, when examination of “Creation” is so common around us!

Some of the blame can be laid at the doors of the great thinkers of recent times such as Darwin, Einstein, Planck etc., but also it needs to be made more public, that these quoted, and hundreds of others of similar fame; became God fearing and devout before they died!

Dealing with the above question in point; Joshua had made recourse to Almighty God; which was honoured in Joshua10:11–12!

The point that is never considered by the angry and frustrated atheist's, is that the relative open show and absence of God’s Power since The Roman destruction of the Jewish Temple; which coincided approx. with the prophecy of Isa. 6:9–10, and Paul’s activation of it in Acts. 28:25–28; has resulted in the position of Israel’s “Lo-Ammi”; which still has further to go!

When that phase for Israel is over; there will be again “overt” observations of God’s Power; and it is to be hoped that the doubters will “see The Light”!!

Regarding the point being made in the question, the Link below deals with that event!

Sun, Stand Thou Still"!  (Separate study)


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