Jesus Joshua, and Nephilim!

Question: In 1Samuel 15:2, did the Lord harden Amalek against as he did with Pharaoh, or was Amalek simply a problem that the Lord had to deal with?


This leads to the question re. Amalek, and the offspring of “fallen angels”!

It also encompasses the apparent horror of v.3, which gives normal people shivers, re. Almighty God!

For myself, due to the statement in Gen. 6 “also afterwards”; I have settled on the (fact ?) that Nephilim were still around until much later, as seems to be confirmed re. Saul and David not completing the annihilation task, which also fell to Joshua later!

Interesting that Joshua led the Jews into the “Promised Land”; and that Jesus is yet to lead Israel into God’s Kingdom (Ezek. 39:21–29)!


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