Question: Christians. Does the word fulfil in Matthew 5:17 mean: end, abolish, finish, terminated, or does it mean to cause Yah’s will as made known in the Law to be obeyed as it should be and Yah’s promises given through the prophets to receive fulfilment?:
He means, to “fill-full”, complete etc.; which cannot happen until Israel's recovery to (Ammi), see (Romans 9:24–33), (Zech.12:10) & (Ezek. 39:21–29)!
What this means is that Israel’s exclusion period will come to an end; and their Saviour Christ Jesus will take them into their predicted role of “Priests” to Him (Exod.19:6) (Isa.61:6) & (Rev.1:6), operating from Jerusalem worldwide; see Matt. 24 and 25; and throughout the Bible!
The present “Naysayers” will then be put to shame; especially because they tried to kill Faith in Almighty God and His Christ; which is the highest work of Satan; and means they will join him in his destiny ; unless they recant, see (Rev. 20:7–10)!
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