Jerusalem's Eastern Gate


Question:  What is the meaning of the Eastern Gate in Jerusalem


Google: In Jewish tradition, the Messiah will enter Jerusalem through this gate, coming from the Mount of Olives.  Christians and Muslims generally believe that this was the Gate through which Jesus entered Jerusalem.

Why did Jesus enter Jerusalem by the East Gate?

Why did Jesus enter through that particular Gate on the day of His triumph, when people openly hailed Him as Messiah and King?  Saint Matthew writes that he rode into Jerusalem as its king aback a donkey and a colt in fulfilment of a prophecy (Zechariah 9:9).

Why is the Eastern Gate called the Golden Gate?

In Christian literature, the Eastern Gate of the Old City, or the “Golden Gate”, is the place at which the parents of Mary met after the Annunciation.  As such, the site of the Gate became a symbol of the Virgin Birth of Jesus.

In Christian eschatology, sunrise in the East symbolizes both Christ's resurrection at dawn on Easter Sunday and the direction of His Second Coming.

See: Jesus, The Faithful Head of the "New Man" (His Body)


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