Question: According to the Bible, when will Israel be restored?  Has this already happened or is it currently happening?


According to my understanding from the Bible, Israel is in the period known in the Bible, as the “last days” (i.e. end of this Age time).

As regards the comment “restored”; we are of the opinion that is yet to be in the true sense, as described in numerous Bible Texts, such as Ezek. 39:21–29!

Prior to that remarkable event (orchestrated By Almighty God), Israel has to reach, and experience the prophesied “Jacob’s Trouble” (Armageddon Rev. 16:16); which will be pivotal for Israel and the world, as after they are saved by God’s Direct intervention, there will be a direct Judgement of the Nations of the world (Matt. 25); which will include punishment for all the people and Nations that have persecuted Israel, and rejected Christ Jesus Messiah!

As regards the timing of your question; this will be shown to happen quickly, when the “Anti-Christ” is active in the world and particularly with Israel; as they will probably see him as their “messiah”; as they rejected Jesus finally at Acts 28:28!

The current events of Israel’s war with Hamas; and as so many of the world’s population are against Israel defending itself after the awful events of 7/10, seems to auger dramatic events, which may accelerate towards the above comments!

See: Israel Lost, Israel Saved!   (Comment & Study)


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