Heavens and the Earth!


Question:  What does the phrase “the Heaven and Earth” in Genesis 1:1 refer to?  What is being created in this passage?


The “Heavens is plural; and the Bible only refers to 3; unless I have missed something.

“The Earth” is mentioned, as that is what we all need as a platform for life.

As we progress through the Bible, we are given in various places more information (see: Job etc.) on surrounding planets etc.

These all seem to be a balancing and functioning mechanism, which is challenged by Science, as their knowledge grew, even though oblique statements are made to that effect by Almighty God!

For the Scientist, it is difficult to go beyond the Physics of the world locked environment, as we are so limited in mental and emotional capacity, (i.e. time changes the farther one is from the world), which was a discovery of the early moon shots!  This one discovery has perplexed NASA etc., and leaves the thinking individual with the knowledge that a great deal has to be taken on faith!

As Einstein theorized; “there is a relationship between what we call time, and space”; which leaves all of us in a daze!

Returning to the question, I personally as a young man, had to reach a stage of acceptance of the Bible and what seems to be impossible statements; but in so doing my personal faith (which is still small) has reached a stage of giving my mind freedom to search the “jewels” of the things that God reveals; and I pray for constant growth in that area!

When I see in the questions and statements that people have, I try to remember my own struggles; but as Habakkuk said “the just shall live by Faith”; which in our case is through and in Christ Jesus!


Genesis 1:1 Enigma   (Study)

Genesis 1 and 2   (Study)

Genesis 1:1, and 1:2 Questions   (Study)

Genesis and "Overthrow"!   (Study)


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