God's Word and the Spirit of Truth
Thanks your take on Jesus’ life etc.
Your comments are as most others these days; and are quite within the norms of average assessment, of the current academic thrust in the world!
The position you have expressed is hard to argue against, section by section; because there are no absolute reference points, (except the Bible)!
However; in my own experience, as a professionally trained mind, my earlier experience was a massive build-up of question lists, which as above; did not give recourse to ‘answer Lists’, (except the Bible)!
This preamble is common to many, if not most Christ-Ones (Christians)!
Long story short; when the Bible revealed to me personally its Divine Messages; which often linked to my very active life worldwide; I became a Christian, but also a person of Faith in Almighty God, and my Saviour Christ Jesus; which is not unusual, as there are many of us in the World; and the Bible is the only absolute “reference point” together with prayer and trust in what one is shown!
What is very evident in the world now are the Forces against what has simply been expressed above, which the great Apostle Paul stated would be the case; and one can only conjecture that those Forces belong to “the god of this world” (John 14:30 & 12:31), as opposed to Almighty God of all Creation!
According to Almighty God, His Word can be relied upon (2Tim 3:16–17); and He sent His Holy Spirit when Christ Jesus Ascended; to ensure that despite all the arguments of mankind and Satan; the Truth would be available for all generations of humans who genuinely seek Him for Truth!
As Jesus said: “I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life” (Jhn.14:6)!
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