Genealogies of Jesus Christ

There is much dispute, and denial of the Deity of the Lord Christ Jesus.  The attacks take many forms, and the most common are to deny that the Bible is authentic by workers of Satan, or in the case of Cults and religious groups, that Jesus was only a man, and not a “manifestation” of God Himself.  See; Veracity of the Bible: and The Triune God; and  Ancient Aramaic Manuscripts, Pshitta O and A:  

Some of the opponents of God and Christ, try to imply that the Bible itself is inconsistent in the Inspired Record.  This is easily opposed by the study of the Word itself, which produces the following, which is Appendix 99 of the Companion Bible by Dr. E.W. Bullinger:  This site clearly tabulates the two lines from Abraham, to Mary and Joseph. 

Matthew's account is that of Joseph.  In Jewish “lore”, the claim to the Throne and therefore Kingship was/is through the male line, i.e. the father.  In the case of “Messiah”, that therefore had to be of King David’s line!  It is the so called "Regal" line, and is of David's union with Bathsheba, and derived from the oldest surviving son of that union, Solomon.  As Joseph was betrothed to Mary, and in a state of (Grk. "hos enomizeto"), he was de-facto married to her!  This in Luke 3:23, is from the Grk."nomizo", the translation of  “The” "supposed father" = "to lay down a thing as law", "to hold as custom”, “to reckon correctly”.
This overcomes some of the Jewish technical arguments that are produced in attempts to negate the veracity of Scripture’s claims as to the Kingship, and Deity of Jesus, as the Christ!

An interesting side issue, is that of the feminist movement throughout the world, to change the gender of Almighty God to female, or neuter.  This again is shown as an attempt to render the “Order” of God as of no account, as to do so effectively, negates the necessary male/female requirements of Messiah!

In Luke the line to Mary also goes back to Abraham, but her line proceeds through Bathsheba's second surviving son, Nathan.  This is the so called "Legal" line.

Thus, the "seed of the woman", (Gen. 3:15) (Legal line), and "throne of His father  David" (Regal line), are fulfilled in Jesus The Christ, as per prophecy!

This makes the sense of Christ's oft statement, "I come only to the lost sheep of Israel", (at that time), up to the point of Acts 28:28.  All the promises were made to His people, Israel, (north and south Kingdoms), and only when Jesus was rejected finally at  Acts 28:28, did the offer of Redemption go out to the Gentiles, with the Gentile first priority.  The Age of the Gentiles began, and will continue until the fullness of the Gentiles is complete (Rom.11:25; Luke 21:24; Is.59:20).  This change to Gentile priority, instead of the Jew first; is because the Jews are “Lo-Ammi”, (not My people); and the “Mystery Church”, the Body of Christ is being formed.  So; the "Gentile Period", covers both the Gospel of Christ's Salvation to the Gentiles; and also the Gentile 'forces'; wishing to control Jerusalem; and runs from Acts 28:28 (Approx. AD70, to the future date of Christ's direct dealing with Israel and the Nations (Gentiles); see Dan. 2!

Here is the delicate nub of the matter.  The Christian Bible states in Luke 1, that Gabriel told Mary she would conceive a child by "The Holy Ghost", that the Father was to be none other than God, v.35.  The name, “Jesus” (Heb. Hoshea, Num. 13:16) is correctly translated; "God our Saviour", or "God who is Salvation".

Much is made by Jewish opposition, that the prophecy in Isa. 7:14 does not state "a Virgin" (Heb. Bethulah), but damsel (Heb. Almah).  The KJV actually omits the definite article and states "a", but the corrected is "the", making the point of the special case, i.e. Mary of the Gospels, who is designated "parthenos" (Virgin). 

The actual translation should be (Heb. ha-almah), "The damsel who is a Virgin"; according to Dr. David Ginsburg, the famous Hebrew scholar of Massorah fame: Dr. David Ginsburg:  

The convenient confusion is used to support the case made by opponents of Holy Scripture, and to try to negate the Miraculous Birth of the Lord Jesus Christ, The Saviour of the world's peoples, who trust Him, and believe Him!

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