The question which should be asked, "do we fear (revere) God, or do we fear Man"?
In Psm. 111: 10, we are told that the 'beginning' of wisdom is to fear (reverence) God. The word 'fear' is referring to 'reverence' of God, and we are told is only the 'beginning' of wisdom.
Many 'Christians' we are sure would say, 'yes' we revere God. But the question arises, when we have to make a stand against people whom we regard, are we prepared to make a stand for the Truth if someone disagrees with our understanding, or do we follow the thinking's of men, for an easy life, 'and do not rock the boat'?
A good illustration of this point is made in 1Sam.15. Here we find that Samuel has been told by the Almighty to go to King Saul, and tell him to smite Amalek, and to kill all the Amalekites including their cattle etc. Saul agrees and said he would fulfil this. He has great success defeating the Amalekites as he was promised, however, even though he killed the people he spared Agag their king, and kept the best of the sheep etc. After this, Samuel was told by the Almighty to go to Saul, and confront him. On doing this, Saul said he had done what he was asked to do. This of course was a lie, and it grieved the Almighty, so much that He regretted making Saul King. When Samuel asked him where the sheep and cattle had come from, Saul replied by 'blaming the people' for not killing them, saying that the 'people' were going to sacrifice them to God. In 15:23, Samuel gave a grave warning to Saul, saying 'Rebellion is as the sin of divination, and because thou hast rejected the word of the Lord, He will reject thee from being King'. Here Saul, acknowledged his sin, and said he had rejected the commandment of the Lord, because he 'feared the people'.
Here we have a clear example of a powerful person, as King Saul was, fearing 'revering' his people, rather than God.
On the other hand we find many illustrations in Scripture of people fearing the Almighty, even to the possibility of losing their lives. One such example is Esther. She was a young Jewish woman who, with the help of her uncle Mordecai was chosen to be the wife of Ahasuerus, King of Persia. Because the enemy of the Jews Haman plotted to kill all the Jews, only she could approach the king and plead for their lives. Mordecai explained to Esther what she must do, and in Esther Chapter 4:16, she requested that all the Jews gather together and fast and pray for her. This was to be a strict 3 day fast. She said that she and her maidens would also fast, and at the end of the time, she would go in to the King (which was not permitted without invitation), and if she would perish, she would perish. The outcome is well known, and Esther saved her people, and had evil Haman and all his family killed.
Here we see this young Jewish woman, fearing 'revering' the Almighty more than the people, and her own life.
Of course the most humbling and best example of a person reverencing the Almighty rather than people, is the Lord Himself. We read on numerous occasions He stated that 'He came to do His Father's Will, not His own', this is clearly shown in Luke 2:29 and John 5:43. Of course in the Garden of Gethsemane when He asked for the "cup to pass from Him, if it were possible" but if not He obeyed the Father's command and laid down His life for the 'SIN' of the world.
In this time that we live, when our Enemy has such control of the Media, Churches etc., it is surely important to make a stand whenever we can for the Truth of the Word. We know that only the Holy Spirit can reveal the Truth of the Word to us. There are of course numerous important points in the Word to hold to, and many of these can be viewed in our Website;
Just to cite a few. Acts 4:12 is a crucial point to understand, as is the dividing line of Acts 28:28. Also the importance of the promises made to the Jews that will be fulfilled in the future. There is also an 'aggressive Evolution' movement in the world today; this too is discussed on our Website.
It is easy to make a stand for the things we know to be true with people who agree with us, but what about people in our family, Churches etc., who disagree with what we know to be true, do we compromise our knowledge to feel secure and stay popular, or do we make a stand for these Truths, which we know will make us unpopular.
Isa. 51:7 gives assurance for those who seek the 'Fear of the Lord'. "Hearken unto Me, ye that know righteousness, the People in whose heart is My Law; fear ye not the reproach of men, neither be ye afraid of their revilings".
Surely our desire should be to say as Paul said in 2Tim. 4:6-8, "For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord the Righteous Judge shall give me at that Day, and not to me only, but unto all them also that love His appearing”.
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