Dispensations in the Bible!

Question: Bible Scholars this is for you, compare Revelation 21:8 and Revelation 22:15 with Matthew 12:3-32.  How do you resolve this?


These question/s, are a mixture of “Dispensations”; which, when what is read is understood in its Dispensational context, make perfect sense, IE in Almighty God’s Mind and Meaning, and Purpose!

As a simple example, the Matt.12:3, shows King David doing an “unlawful” thing re. the “Showbread” in the Temple “Tabernacle”!  However, he was on a special mission for God, and when such is the case in the Bible, one must see the Divine Purpose and Objective!  (This factor is something which becomes automatic, the more one becomes aware of Almighty God’s Mind and Purposes, as opposed to the apparent rigidity of the Laws Governing the mass of the people)!

At this stage, a read of the following Links, is good preparation for the rest of this comment: Dispensational Truth (Study); Dispensations / Administration (Study); & Dispensational Action (Study).

After absorbing the above; it is clear how the rest of the points in the question/statements are resolved; it is imperative to determine which Dispensation is applicable to all parts of the Bible; IE; between Rev. 21 and 22, there is a Dispensational change!



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