David and his Trust in Jesus

Question: Is the David and Goliath story really an underdog story considering David was a skilled warrior?


Not IMO!

In the HOLY Bible, the account shows the Truth, that Almighty God gave David all the elements he needed to slay Goliath (representing Satan and evil)!

Also; David had experience of the Power of God, in his days as a shepherd; and had fought great odds against him in that function; which he had relayed to King Saul!

David’s defeat of God’s enemies was to show when he became King of Israel; and he remained in God’s Grace!

When he became a waverer; and allowed himself to be used by the charms of Bathsheba; sinning grievously in arranging the death of Bathsheba’s husband; he lost his standing before Almighty God; but because his heart was still loyal (a man after my own heart Acts 13:22 & 1Sam. 13:14); God will use David in the Kingdom yet to be in Israel; during the Millennial Reign of Christ Jesus on Earth; Psm. 89:20!

In this account of David; is encouragement to all people of “Goodwill”; and Trust in Christ; who, although they will fail occasionally in life; will be raised by Christ Jesus in Almighty God, “on the last Day” (Jhn. 6:37–40)!


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