Question: Can you break it down and explain 1Corinthians 15:29 for me?
The points posed by Paul, are the negative arguments, compared to the Truth of Christ Jesus, in v.20!
The point to be remembered, is that his audience is under a load of false understanding; which is still true today, because of the miss-teaching, and non-teaching of the Churches!
The point you ask about is started in v.19; and Paul takes the reader step by step to the True conclusion.
What should be taught by the Churches is that all that is required by an individual is Trust in Christ Jesus; Who has dealt with ALL the problems of mankind's sinful nature and ways; and no “Church ritual” is required, except if a person wishes to use ‘Baptism’ as a witness to their Salvation in Jesus!
Unfortunately; Churches and Groups try to gain control over people, with their erroneous teachings; instead of giving the correct teachings, and respecting the person’s decision for Christ Jesus!
There are groups that will respect the TRUTH of Jesus Christ; that He is “The Way, The Truth, and The Life” (John 14:6); and that is all that is required for Eternal Salvation. They need to be sought out; or started in small groups in the Homes of Christians. This is not ideal; but has become a need with Christians who wish to remain free of human domination; which started with the so called “Church fathers”; and strengthened with the Church of Rome etc.
The process of “protesting” started in earnest within the Roman Church in approx. AD1500s with Martin Luther, Calvin and John Knox etc.; and has led to the worldwide “Protestant Movement”; which has done much to return Bible teaching and Truth to a healthy level; but we must always be wary of corrupt teachings in the world!
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