Bible Reliability

Question: What sets the Bible apart from other fictional books?


It is Almighty God’s Holy Spirit Inspired; and He defends it against all attacks of Satan and men!

It will speak to people who approach it prayerfully and sincerely; and will reveal new elements and Facts, every time it is read, even after a lifetime of reading!

That means that no matter how long a person has been reading it; it will reveal new gems of Truth, even after 80–90 years or more of prayerful study!

It is a remarkable repository of “GEMS” of God’s Mind, Nature, and Love; which is waiting for all people to partake!

God knows if you are one of those that have yet to meet Him in the pages of the Bible; and He will not allow this Age Time to complete until you are there with Him (Romans 11:25)!


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