Question: What is the description of Babylon in the book of Revelation? Where is it located?
Google overview: In the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible, Babylon is mentioned in Revelation 17 and 18:
· Revelation 17 Describes a woman sitting on a beast with seven heads and ten horns. The woman is dressed in purple and scarlet, and is decorated with gold, precious stones, and pearls. She holds a golden cup full of filthiness and abominations. On her forehead is written the name "Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth".
· Revelation 18 An angel comes down from heaven and cries out, "Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird".
Babylon was an important city-state in Mesopotamia, on the banks of the Euphrates River. The name Babylon comes from the Akkadian word babilu, which means "gate of God". The story of Babylon is first told in Genesis 11. In Revelation, Babylon represents the violence and destruction that nations inflict.
Extracts from Revelation study notes; use prayerfully with Your Bible:
Rev 14:8 And there followed (a)another angel, saying, "(b)Babylon is fallen, the great (c)#[city,]# (d)because she made all Nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication".
(a) "Another"; Greek; ALLOS = another of the same kind.
(b) "Babylon"; see Isa. 21:9 & Rev. 18:2. As mentioned in earlier Chapters, Babylon is the source of all pagan religions post the flood. That progressed strongly under Nimrod and his mother. Their work has spread worldwide, and their pagan heritage is in all countries, and as well as religions, is showing in all human activity.
As mentioned above, all religions or human activity which does not acknowledge Acts. 4:12, is of Babylon! In V.8 we are told that Babylon is fallen! When that happens, all the world's systems, governments, institutions, trade and commerce, religions and beliefs, ideas and opinions etc., will be brought to nothing, and will stand helpless before Almighty Jehovah Zebaoth!
(c) #["City;" is not in the Ancient text ]!#; see introductory note to Chapter 18.
(d) "Because etc."; here is the simply stated fact that Satan has used all the human Babylonian endeavours to usurp God Almighty, and enslave and control human beings for his purpose. The words "made all Nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication"; gives the meaning to the methods of Satan's controls, using all human weaknesses. (See: Mystery Babylon:).
Revelation 17:8
V.5 (a)And upon her forehead a name written, (b)Mystery Babylon the Great, The Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth.
(a) Dr. Bullinger translates; “and upon her forehead she had a name written a secret symbol, BABYLON THE GREAT, the mother of harlots, (see notes (a) V.1) and of the abominations of the Earth", (Comp.). The name of the woman is therefore a secret sign or symbol of “that great city” which she personifies (see V.18).
(b) The word "Mystery" is disputed by different translations. Youngs literal has "secret". NIV notes that the word should possibly be excluded, but offers "this mysterious title written". Interlinear has "mystery". Darby has "mystery", NKJV "mystery". RSV has "a name of mystery". Moffatt, "by way of symbol”. Dr. Bullinger gives great clarity in his explanation in App. 193. He also translates:
“And upon her forehead she had a name written, a secret symbol (Grk. Musterion) BABYLON THE GREAT, the mother of the harlots, and of the abominations of the Earth”.
Dr. Bullinger further notes “the name of the woman is therefore a secret sign or symbol of “that great city which she personifies (V.18)”!
What is very clear, is that Satan has successfully tricked the world's population into believing the opposite of the truth! As the physical Babylon was destroyed and never revived, (Jer. 51), so here, the dealing is with its spiritual equivalent; which here is beginning its defeat at the hands of God; and the "stone not cut by human hand", (Dan. 2:34 and 45).
The spiritual Babylon, equivalent and much greater than the Ancient physical Babylon, has/is having the effect worldwide that Ancient Babylon had under its founder Nimrod, and his mother. They succeeded in turning people from the True God (Elohim) to many and varied pagan gods and practices, which have spread worldwide.
Their main enemy and object is the God of the Hebrews Jehovah; (and His Chosen People Israel); and Jerusalem His Chosen Dwelling Place!
Their assault continued throughout the O.T.; and since Acts 28:28, is now also focused on all Christ-ones (Christians true) worldwide.
The warfare with Satan and his spirits (demons) is spiritual as well as physical, and is confirmed in the following references, in Scripture: Eph. 6:10-18, 1John 4:1 to 5:8 and John 4:24! See: Babylon
Revelation 18: 21
V.21 (a)And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, “Thus with violence shall that great City Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all.
V.22 And the voice of harpers and musicians, and of pipers, and trumpeters, shall be heard no more at all in thee; and no craftsmen, of whatever craft, shall be found anymore in thee; and the sound of a millstone shall be heard no more at all in thee;
V.23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the Earth; (b)for by thy sorceries were all Nations deceived".
(a) The sentence of “Babylon; the woman”, detailed.
(b) Her great seductive powers, and Satan's power (sorceries), brought the Earth (Nations) to ruin, compared with the plan of Jehovah Zebaoth! She is the great attraction as the consort to Satan, but is not seen as such, as yet by the Nations of the world!
V.24 (a)And in her was found the blood of Prophets, and of saints, (b)and of all that were slain upon the Earth.
(a) All who stood against her/Satan; God’s Prophets, His saints were slain; (this clearly not physical Babylon, which gives credence to our view re. world-wide spiritual Babylon)!
(b) This in Interlinear reads, “and all of those having been slain”. I.e. all men and women who opposed “the woman”, throughout the Ages.
Revelation Study notes on all Chapters; use prayerfully with your Bible:
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