Acts Period, Holy Spirit Action!


Question: Why did Peter ask if everyone remembered what had been done when he told them about what happened with Ananias and Sapphira?


What are the lessons of Ananias and Sapphira?

What is the main point in Acts 5?

Acts 5 is the fifth Chapter of the Acts of the Apostles in the New Testament of the Christian Bible.  It records the growth of the early Church and the obstacles it encountered.

Comment: It must be remembered that in Acts 2, the Holy Spirit had been given, as promised by Jesus.  Also; not much recognized by the Church or the Jews, the Holy Spirit was given in the context of the “Mission to the Jews” by Jesus (Matt.15:24), which when they denied Him at Acts 25–28; was retracted in the sense of the Acts 2 spectacular endowment for overt miracles!  

This was confirmed by Paul who was unable to heal Trophimus after Acts 28!  The sin of Ananias and Sapphira was an example of the penalty which will prevail in the Millennial Reign of Jesus for 1000 years when Satan is bound for that duration, for any direct and knowing sin which contradicts the Law.

That situation would have continued if the Jews had not rejected Jesus as their Messiah at Acts 28:28, as the Millennial would have been considered as beginning at what was the beginning of Acts, and John the Baptist would have "been as Elijah", (Matt. 11:14).

After the rejection of Jesus (as their Messiah), the Jews were made “Lo-Ammi” (not My people), which will prevail until the events of Zech.12:10 and will probably be the greatest mourning that Israel as ever experienced!  (This event may be soon looking at the events in the World, and Matt. 24)!

In the meantime, the Gospel is on offer to all the world's Gentiles (and Jews who can see through the veil), which will remain until the full number is “made up” (Rom.11:25–27); which is the prophecy of Jesus; “I have sheep of another fold John 10:16”!

In the case of Ananias and Sapphira, who lied (Satan is the Father of Lies!), when they sought membership, recognition and position in God's Church to serve themselves—to satisfy their own vanity and lusts, their immediate justice was death, which is what will be the case for those who are in the special time of the Millennial period; as it is a witness to all Heavenly Creation; and to the servants of Satan!  (Eph. 3:9-12).

Those of us drafted by God are required to subjugate the vanity and lust of our self-will to His Will and surrender our lives in total sacrifice and service to Him, in Faith.

The account records the sudden deaths of Ananias and Sapphira after lying to the Holy Spirit about money.


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