Question: What did Samuel anoint with oil when he made Saul king over all Israel?  Why didn’t he do the same with David when he made him king over Judah?


Wikipedia: Anointing is the ritual act of pouring aromatic oil over a person's head or entire body.[1]

By extension, the term is also applied to related acts of sprinkling, dousing, or smearing a person or object with any perfumed oil, milk, butter, or other fat.[2]  Scented oils are used as perfumes and sharing them is an act of hospitality. Their use to introduce a divine influence or presence is recorded from the earliest times; anointing was thus used as a form of medicine, thought to rid persons and things of dangerous spirits and demons which were believed to cause disease.

In present usage, "anointing" is typically used for ceremonial blessings such as the coronation of European monarchs.  This continues an earlier Hebrew practice most famously observed in the anointings of Aaron as high priest and both Saul and David by the prophet SamuelThe concept is important to the figure of the Messiah or the Christ (Hebrew and Greek for "The Anointed One") who appear prominently in Jewish and Christian theology and eschatology.  Anointing—particularly the anointing of the sick—may also be known as unction; the anointing of the dying as part of last rites in the Catholic church is sometimes specified as "extreme unction".

Why did Samuel anoint Saul as king?

God had Samuel anoint Saul as king over Israel because of the desire of the people of Israel to be like all the other nations around them, for all other nations were each governed by a human king.

What is the difference between King David and King Saul?

King David was different than King Saul because King David loved God above everyone and everything.  What's the difference between King David and King Saul?  King Saul lost sight of God and started seeking the fame that God gave him, which he was supposed to use to honour and glorify the Lord, not himself

We can easily conclude that God chose David to be King because he had a good heart.  Man may choose Kings by looking for GOODNESS of outward appearance, but the LORD chooses Kings by looking for GOODNESS of heart.

Why does David spare Saul's life?

Yet, David spared Saul's life, because he did not have any right to kill the Lord's anointed (1Sam. 24:3–6).  David knew that the kingdom had been given to him by the Lord (1Sam.16:1–13); however, he knew also that the throne had to come to him in God's appointed timing.  He was not permitted to take it by force.

In summary; Saul ruled by the “people’s volition”; David by “God’s Volition”!

Even so, when Saul was helpless before David, and had “tormented” David since his “Anointing”; he would not kill Saul, as he was “the Lord’s Anointed”!

King David was/is the forebear of the human line to Mary the Mother of Jesus; Gen. 3:15!

See: Jesus Christ's Genealogies  


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