ZION'S Controversy


Question:  What does it mean to restore Zion’s fortunes in Scripture?


The fact remains that in the culmination of the Great Tribulation (Rev. 7:14), God states that “for Zion’s sake I will not hold My peace” (Isa. 62:1), and also at the time of His vengeance against His, and Israel’s enemies it will be “the year of recompense for the controversy of Zion (Isa. 34:8, 63:1-6, 2:10-22 & Rev. 19:11-21)!

The “controversy” God referred to, is that which has been under way since He cursed Satan in Gen. 3:14, and promised him that he would be defeated in Gen. 3:15, by none other than the “woman’s seed”!  That seed was Mary the mother of Jesus, God’s “Only Begotten Son”.  That Promise, and the ones that followed in Israel’s history; regarding Israel’s glorious future, the Promised Land borders, Jerusalem, and their future standing in the world; are all part of the “controversy” which Satan constantly ferments!  All these will be resolved in the final actions of Jehovah Zebaoth in Christ Messiah Jesus: see: Wrath of God;

See Also:

Zion, The Plan


Zechariah and 2nd Advent of Messiah


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