Young Earth Myth?


Question: If the Earth is not young, at only thousands of years old, then did God lie to the world on giant scale?  Or perhaps no creation account should be read as historical or was never meant to be read as historical, only ever believed in out of ignorance?


Apparently DNA samples have been collected which show that there is little similarity in these creatures to so called "modern man".  (This term is used by Science to describe humankind, when they want to differentiate between us, and fossils of manlike creatures!)  The apparent fact of DNA dissimilarity does not stop the headlong rush to try to link ancient remains with modern man; even though there is only 1-3% similarity with some remains.  Also; recent work has tentatively concluded that the ajr-1 molecule is not present in the skeletal remains of fossil creatures, but only in “modern man”!  This is very recent comment by some Scientists; but is controversial!  The overarching motive of some Scientists is to "prove" the idea of Evolution, even though before he died; Darwin professed his trust in Christ; (according to Lady Hope), and, many have said his thesis on Adaption is valid, but he had "projected too far", into an unproven idea called 'Evolution'!

We are now at the stage of asking why Almighty God destroyed these previous creatures?

The answer is only deduced from His Word to us.

We know from His Word that God is love!  We know therefore that He will not act in any way out of that context.


Age of the Earth Controversy:   (Study)

Genesis 1:1 Enigma   (Study)



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