World Wide Flood?



 Question: Has there actually been an Earth-wide flood?


There is oblique reference to such in Gen. 1:9.

Science and history are unable to be certain on this point, because there have been so many disruptions to Earth’s surface over approx. 15+ Billion years.

These can be easily seen in the Earth’s layers in various places where there are cliffs and upheavals which show clearly many hundreds of layers.

Also, the polarity from north to south has changed many times, which would indicate polar flips from north to south, and visa-versa!

A scientist called Dr. Velikovsky has studied and written on this subject all the way to his death, and one of his books “Earth in Upheaval” is worth a read.

His conclusions argue against Evolution, as Darwin stated that a “steady state” was essential to his theory, and Velikovsky showed that the upheaval rate was approx. at 30–40,000 year intervals.

See: Velikovski : (Russian Scientist)

Age of the Earth Controversy:

Genesis 1:1 Enigma    

Ark of Noah


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