Women's Clothing before God!


Question:  What does the Bible verse where Paul says “women should adorn themselves with proper clothing” mean?  What kind of clothing is this referring to?


Google; Old Testament: What was considered women's clothing in the Bible?

Women's garments were probably longer (compare Nahum 3:5, Jeremiah 13:22, Jeremiah 13:26, Isaiah 47:2), had sleeves (2Samuel 13:19), presumably were brighter colours and more ornamented, and also may have been of finer material. What does the Bible say about women dressing modestly?

New Testament:

In 1Timothy 2:9-10, Paul says, "I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God".

Does Christianity have a dress code?

As such, dressing in fine clothing for religious services was often dictated by a need to project status and influence among peers.  Many Christians reject this practice and instead encourage modest, respectful dress not only for Sunday worship, but in everyday life (cf. outward holiness).

Wikipedia: Israelite women:


While a woman's garments mostly corresponded to those of men: they wore simlāh and kethōneththey also evidently differed in some ways from those of men[1][3] (see Deuteronomy 22:5).  Women's garments were probably longer (compare Nahum 3:5Jeremiah 13:22Jeremiah 13:26Isaiah 47:2), had sleeves (2Samuel 13:19), presumably were brighter colours and more ornamented, and also may have been of finer material.[1][3]  Also worn by women was the sadin, the finer linen underdress (see Isaiah 3:23Proverbs 22:24).[3]


Furthermore, mention is made of the mițpaḥath (tichel), a kind of veil or shawl (Ruth 3:15).  This was ordinarily just a woman's neckcloth.  Other than the use by a bride or bride to be (Genesis 24:65), prostitutes (Genesis 38:14) and possibly others (Ruth 3:3), a woman did not go veiled (Genesis 12:14Genesis 24:15), except for modesty (Genesis 24:65). The present custom in the Middle East to veil the face originates with Islam.  According to ancient laws, it reached from the forehead, over the back of the head to the hips or lower, and was like the neckerchief of the Palestinian woman in Palestine and Israel today.[3]

See:  Paul's Teaching on (hair) Covering, in the New Covenant, 1Corinthians  (study)


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