Wedding Feast of the LAMB


Question: Who will be at the Wedding Feast of the Lamb, and when will it take place?


See: Rev. 19:7

Most of Christendom’s teachers and commentators say that the “Church” is the Bride, however, seemingly to ignore Scriptural evidence to the contrary.  The Apostle Paul states that the “True Church” is Christ’s Body! (1Cor.) but particularly 1Cor. 12:27, where Paul defines the pre- Acts 28:28 Corinthians as "The Body of Christ".  As this statement is A.D. 57, and Acts 28: 28, is A.D. 63, Paul is clearly stating that pre. and post Acts 28 Christians are of the Body of Christ; the pre. Acts 28:28 Christians are in the blessing of the promise to Abraham, as the post Acts 28:28 Christians are in the blessing of the "Mystery Church".  It is the opinion of the writers that as stated both are the Body of Christ but with different functions after the revealing of Christ (Second Coming).  It is our opinion that the former have Earthly function and the latter Heavenly function, however, as previously stated there is much discussion on this area.

As regards some of the comments and prophecies to the future Bride, some are as follows; Isa. 49:18 & 61:10, the whole of Isa. 62, but particularly 62:4-5.  Also, Jer. 2:32 & John 3:29, (in this reference John is referring to The Lord’s own statement that He came “only to the lost sheep of Israel”!

See:  Rev Chapter 19        

The Body of Christ and the Bride of Christ:   


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