The Rapture and the Kingdom (Millennial)


 Question: What are some differences between a pre-tribulation, mid-tribulation, and post-tribulation Rapture?


This is a very controversial subject in Christendom.  Very interesting arguments are presented on all sides, which all warrant consideration!

First, some background, and definition of ‘terms’.  The words postmillennialism, amillennialism and premillennialism.  First, the root word, Millennium, comes from the Latin for 1,000 years.  Religiously, it refers to the first 1,000 years of Christ's reign over the Kingdom of God on Earth (Revelation 20:4).

Postmillennialists believe that Christ returns to establish the Kingdom on Earth after the 1,000 years; an Amillennialist doesn't believe that the Kingdom is coming at all; a Premillennialist believes that Christ returns before the Millennium to set up His Kingdom as described in Revelation 20:4.

The various points made in each argument can be very convincing, but can cancel each other out, however, one distinct comment re. the events of the Tribulation weighs heavily on the scales of plus and minus!

There are hints in Scripture that the Body (Christians True) is not to experience the "wrath to come", which follows in logic, as it is much loved by Christ, and would be inflicting further wounds on Christ Himself.  Also, the Heavenly Creation who are witnessing the Church on Earth, could easily consider further punishment on Christ's Body as unnecessary and unjust, and to what purpose?  The Lord completed the redemption work on Calvary's cross.  It is the opinion of the writers and others, that not all who call themselves Christians will be Raptured as described.

More can be gleaned from the below Links:


Rapture (The) Those Taken and Those Not.


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