'The Covenant Hero's'



Question:  What were the important roles of Abram, Solomon and King David in Salvation History?




They are key figures in the history of Israel; which in itself is key to the Salvation Plan of God!


Look at Malachi, and you will see a condensed summary of Israel’s history, which is so hurtful to God!  However, in the Prophets you see the Love, Grace and long suffering of God, which will be shown in His Salvaging of the Jewish Race after “Jacob’s” trouble; Zech.12 etc.


The failings of Israel are being mirrored in the behaviour and varied teachings of the “Churches” worldwide; but all of that is Trumped by the Salvation Work of our Lord Jesus Christ; which in its final reckoning brings both Groups into God’s Salvaging (Salvation) plan; Israel because of God’s Promise to them; and Christ-Ones (Christians), by their decision for Christ Jesus!


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