Paul's Progression from Christian persecution to Apostle


Question: Do you know how Paul felt about his former life as Saul?

Because Paul was called to the “Jew first”.  He was faithful to this first calling until after his final visit to the Synagogues whilst in Rome; and his statement, and condemnation in Acts 28:25–28!

He had written 7 Letters up to that point, all of which have Hebrew and the Law context, and he was arguing in that context in Galatians.

He wrote 7 more Letters after the events of Acts 28: 26-28; Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1&2 Timothy, Titus, and Philemon.  All of these are “Body of the Lord” or “Church” orientated, and cause confusion to those people who do not see, or accept the events of Act 28:28.

The pre-Acts 28:28 mainly Jewish converts, needed to understand their Abrahamic position, as detailed in V.29!

The post Acts 28 Converts were increasingly Gentiles, as God put a “vail” over the understanding of the Jews (Isa. 6:9–10), which is still in place, and will be until the events of Zech.12:10!

Paul was a "Chosen Vessel", (Acts 9:15), to give Israel guidance and understanding, the understanding they needed of the "New Covenant" (Jer. 31:31- 37) had they accepted Christ as Messiah, to guide them into the "Kingdom Age".  Had they accepted Paul's message and Christ as Messiah, John the Baptist would have "been as Elijah" (Matt.11:14 and 17:9-13), as Jesus stated.  When they rejected, he became 100% "the Apostle to the Gentiles" (Romans 11:13).  This statement refutes the oft made comment by some Church leaders and teachers, that "Paul's teaching, and Christ's teaching contradict".  It is a profound truth, that Paul was the mouthpiece of Christ after His resurrection, and therefore the words of Paul are the words of Christ Himself!  To understand that, is to see that Paul's words must be revered and used for understanding of the complex events following Pentecost, and the events that Peter was describing!  When it is realised that Paul's words are Christ's Words, a new impetuous and accuracy is added to the interpretation of the Bible, in the sense that instead of Christ's and Paul's teachings appearing to conflict, as so many Churches teach, they are interwoven in the Truth of the Word!

Paul reiterates the fact that Jesus is the Messiah of Old Testament prophecy.

That as “incarnate man” He was to suffer and die, rise from death, as God’s substitute Sacrifice, for the fall of Adam and Eve, and all mankind!

The letter is addressed to Palestinian Jews, and the Diaspora.

Although not signed by Paul, the style is his, and as the date of writing is AD 53–4, it is at the maximum height of the hatred of Paul, due to his being a convert to Christ, and regarded as a “renegade” by the Jewish elite.

The great Apostle Paul, had a specific purpose as the “Chosen vessel” that he was.

He was chosen because of his great knowledge of the Old Testament, and his fierce loyalty to Almighty God!

When he persecuted to death the “Christians”, he did so because of his love for his God!

This very drive in him was what God in Christ Jesus wanted to harness to convince the Pharisee leaders of Israel, to get them to join the work of Christianising Israel!

As Paul questioned the “apparition” on the Damascus road; “who art thou Lord”; the reply was “I AM Jesus that thou persecuteth”!

So Paul, after a sojourn in Arabia, became the “Apostle to the Gentiles".

This continued in Acts up to the time of Acts 28:25–28 (approx. AD 64–65); but as the last of the Roman Synagogues rejected Paul’s salvation in Christ's message; Paul was instructed to declare the prophecy of Isa. 6:9–10, which triggered the end of that stage of Israel’s prophetic progress, and they became “Lo-Ammi”; “not My people”!

In the years left to Paul, he wrote Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1&2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, these writings differ in emphasis to his previous 7, and look to the function and growth of the “Body of Jesus”, which is still valid, and will remain so until the end of this “Age Time”.

He was executed by beheading approx. AD 68–69.

At the same time approx. the Temple at Jerusalem and Jerusalem were destroyed; which stopped the animal sacrifices for sin, which Paul had so lucidly proclaimed!

They have stopped ever since; as the Jews “corporate” had rejected the great Sacrifice of Almighty God in Christ Jesus!

That is still their condition and will remain so until Zech.12:10, and the next Temple is built in Jerusalem!

Regarding John’s work and calling on Patmos in Revelation, that was to detail the events which will bring about the great changes that will affect the whole Earth, and lead to the 2nd. advent of the Lord Jesus Christ. That could have been much earlier, as the repeated statement by Jesus made clear, (Matt. 11:14); but God, as always will leave the decision to the ‘free-will’ of individuals and /or groups; in this case the Jews corporate!

When watching all the current happenings worldwide, the events of Revelation may be soon in time, as we understand time!


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