Nephilim and Large Structures



Question:  Is it possible that the Carnac stones in France were built by the descendants of the Nephilim?


Quite possible.  There are many such questions on large stone ‘erections’ in many parts of Europe!

Also, in northern Israel, temples to pagan gods, which implicated the Tribe of Dan!

At present, it is not possible to conclude on these ideas, as we are short of information, but the fact that both King Saul and King David did not kill all the descendants of Nephilim means a possible gene pool was still on Earth for a time.

However, because of the Genesis 3:15 promise, it is likely that all were at some stage eliminated, as Almighty God would not allow the “seed of the woman” to be polluted!

That fact leaves the question of timing for the above question, all within the “rules of engagement” between God and Satan!

Satan's Contest with God

Nephilim Origin!


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