Money and Evil!


Question:  What does the phrase “money is the root of all evil”.  What did Paul mean in Timothy when he said this?


The actual Words are, “the LOVE of money is the root of all evil”!

Money is a means of exchange in its best form.  It has long been recognized that quantities of money gives power to those that would use it in a bad way.  It has also been recognized that it can also win wars for people that have it!  See the current Eastern European manoeuvres towards power!

See also the world’s money exchanges, which have reached the stage where care is needed to even know what is a genuine transaction, and which is in the category of legitimate usage!

So; money in its best form helps the world populations to survive and thrive!

For the evil in the world, it helps the wrong people to get power, which is so desired for wrong motives!

Interestingly, Jesus when questioned by the Pharisees said; “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and unto God that which is God’s”.  Thereby showing in simple form the ‘rules’ for money’s use!

Jesus also showed the value of “True Gold” ultimately (Rev. 3:18 ), which gives the truth of money and its proper place in the lives of wise people!


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