Mark of the Beast!


Question:  What is the mark of the beast mentioned in Revelation?


Revelation  CHAPTER 13

NOTE: Considerable detail is given in this Chapter of the first and second 'Beasts' emergence, the Satanic marking of those on Earth who will 'worship the Beast', (some say Israel only but that is doubtful), and also clues regarding the name of the Antichrist.

Mystery still surrounds much of what Scripture says here, but, if the current 'Arab Spring', and turmoil in Syria and Iraq and Yemen etc. are linked to these events, we may be seeing the emergence of the 'First Beast'!

The Nations involved currently are of Scripture listing, so at the very least these events may be the 'beginning of birth pangs' as mentioned by Jesus in Matt. 24:8 etc.

If the above premise is right, then the current turmoil in the region may be the beginning of the first "Beast" emerging; eventually, morphing into the second Beast of verses 3 & 4; or, is the false equivalent to the Holy Spirit sent by Jesus after his Resurrection.

The second is "religious", as opposed to the first which is "political".  It must be said here that there is much division of opinion on what is actually happening at present in this Mediterranean area.  This means that the above thoughts are speculative; but the area is clearly critically unsettled!

The very least that knowledgeable, keen and curious Christians should do, who are interested in what is going to happen from Bible Prophecy, is to prayerfully watch events, as at the very least a formation is taking place at present!

V.16 And he caused all, small and great, rich and poor, free and bond servant, to be (a)marked on the right hand, or on the forehead:

V.17 So that no one may (b)buy or sell, except those with the (c)mark, or the (c)name of the Beast, or the (c)number representing his name.

(a) At the time the Holy Spirit penned these words via. John on Patmos, the world (then known) was a much smaller place than now.  However, with modern communications and travel speeds some would say that in fact it is smaller in the sense of actions etc.  Many commentators on Scripture cannot agree on who is marked, and many prefer to say Israel only is involved.  It is true that the meaning can seem ambiguous, but it is the opinion of the writers that possibly all peoples of the world are involved, where Jews of the Diaspora are living, but that the Jews are the primary target.  There are a number of compelling reasons for this conclusion.  The debate hinges for some on the simple Greek translation of the word for "Earth", (Ge) as in V.8 and in many places.  The definition for (Str. 1093), is wider than the Comp (App. 129:4), but both generally agree.  Verse 7 in this case supports the view of world-wide application, i.e. "over all kindred’s, and tongues, and Nations"; which is the writers view!

The fact is that there are many more Jews still dispersed throughout the world than in Israel, its present borders could not hold them!  The present population of Israel is probably far less than that of the USA alone!  All the Jews outside the focal point (Israel) of these future events will be affected and involved, because Antichrist will be seeking them out.  That is the reason that our Lord is so emphatic in His statement regarding "His brethren", in Matt. 25:40 (see Matt. 25: 31-46), and our Lord's comments and actions are internationally focused as is clear from His words in Matt. 25.  This fact augers for the same emphasis in V 17 statement.

God has sealed people in the forehead, prior to great trouble in the past, (Ezk. 9:4) and (Rev. 7:3).  This marking by Satan is the anti-thesis, and is his promise of protection to his people.

Summary: One of the possibilities of the "marking", of the Jews of Israel in and around Jerusalem, and also of the Diaspora spread around the world, is that in this case both "land" and "world" are intended.  The focus in Revelation is "overcoming" (Satan and all his powers), but also the witness and fidelity to Christ as Messiah and Saviour.  Not many Jews will refuse the "Mark" because of Christ, but because of their "Orthodox (Pharisaic) beliefs", and because the Beast is demanding worship, V.15.  There will be the ones who "look on Him who they pierced" (Zech. 12:10), if they are of the "Preserved Remnant".  The fact of our Lord's emphasis on the judgement of the Gentile Nations on "how did you treat My brethren"? (Matt. 25:32-46), obviously implicates the Gentiles who are sympathetic or not to the Jews world-wide during "Jacob's Trouble" period, and it is quite certain that Satan's tyranny (although focused on the Jews of Israel), will extend to those who support the Jews.

His power will be such at that time, that he will not be stopped by the rulers in individual countries from persecuting Gentile sympathisers, as the rulers of each Nation will be in sympathy with his anti-Jewish actions, and will chime with the world-wide anti-Semitic atmosphere.

This tentative comment is supported by the reference in Revelation 7:9-17, where the great multitude of people of all Nations are shown to have come out of "the great Tribulation", and have washed their robes in the "blood of the Lamb".  This latter comment also, supports the Scriptures that show the Lord's Body has been taken by that time!

(b) So the worshippers of this future Antichrist figure, are also marked to allow permit to "buy and sell", (trade etc.), which will be strictly controlled, making life for those outside the favour of this Satanic system very hard if not impossible.  It has to be remembered that this state of affairs is only 3½ years in duration, however many people will not know this, and they will be controlled to such an extent that such information the Bible holds will not be easily available and in any case will not be understood, hence the special Holy Spirit upholding of the groups mentioned in the early Chapters.

The example given by God’s protection and sustaining of Israel after their release from Egypt, clearly shows that God’s world-wide power and reach will be shown again at that time, to sustain His “remnant” of Israel (Isa. 10:20).

(c) "Mark, name, or number"; these terrible symbols, will denote more than just permit, (to trade etc.), but will also denote ownership!  Satan will own these individuals in the same way, and to the same degree as the Heavenly beings that are his.

Regarding the angels of Heaven that followed and belong to Satan, according to Rev. 5:11, the original Hebrew words mean "countless numbers", this means that as one third of Heaven's angels that followed Satan cannot be numbered (by humans), but the number almost certainly will be much larger than the human population that are marked.  In the year 2019, the population of Earth is approaching 8,000,000,000 (8 billion), this number given by the U.N.  If current projections are correct, by 2020 approx. 10 billion people may inhabit the planet (projections vary).

Numbers of people will be large, but compared with Heaven's population the numbers are probably small.  It is worth reiterating here the reason Satan will work so hard against Israel; his purpose is to annihilate Israel.  If he were to succeed, the promises to Abraham by Jehovah would be null and void, as Jehovah has promised that Israel will never cease to be a Nation (Jer. 31:35-37) and Satan would become ruler of the Earth and will have successfully challenged Almighty God!

He will use all natural and supernatural means at his disposal, including the Earth's population, of which he needs as many as he can get, as the human race is the main target after his success in Heaven!  Therefore his methods are subtly tailored to try to entrap as many of the unwary as possible, to augment his success in Heaven!  As seen above, Satan has under his control countless angels, and also humans who are marked and who worship him openly, to be able to live and trade during his total power period on Earth!  Satan's people however have been converting to him since the flood of Noah, and prior to that since Eden.

His methods are varied, some easy to see such as open pagan worship in its multitude of forms.  However, in these times, the methods blend into the credible, so that many so-called "christian" groups say they have the "truth", but in reality are a perverted form of "christianity".  The many variations of these make listing impossible, but what they have in common is dominant leadership, which after a "honeymoon" period, demands that the individual's mind, will, actions, and often substance, come under their control!  Their teachings they demand, are the ONLY ones which are true!  They will not allow open questioning of their teaching, or their interpretation of the Bible, (sometimes their own version), their activities or their leadership, etc.!  They demand mindless obedience.

The Jehovah's Witnesses are an obvious fit to the above, but also some Charismatics, Pentecostals, Roman Church, The New Age Movement, and some parts of the Ecumenical Movement, etc.

In these groups and their ilk, many humans are being trapped, and they will not question their controllers for fear of loss of favour and group!  If they do not, they are in danger of not having the Truth, being deceived, and going to destruction!

The most precious organ the Almighty gives us is our brain, it should be abdicated to nobody and it should be well programmed with good teaching!  Bible revering Christian groups will never demand these things, and the best will post their list of Bible beliefs in a prominent position, so that a person knows what they are subscribing to before they join!  They are also Christ centred in Truth, and are not deceived by the many different "christs" that our Lord warned about (Matt. 24:24 and Mark 13:22).


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