Marcion the Heretic!


Question:  The authorship of the first two Chapters and last two verses of Luke and Acts are contested because they were not part of Marcion’s Canon.  Does the writing style in those disputed texts match the sophisticated literary style of the non-disputed text?


Bill; I am surprised that you would even consider Marcion’s heretical work, especially, as he attempted to convince even his father to exclude the Old Testament!

Without the basic OT understanding, no person can come to understand the importance of Israel; and their yet glorious future, even after yet more suffering to come for them, and the world!

The points you quote re. Luke’s writings, are the very information that Satan does not want the world to know or to consider, as they are his eventual “demise”!

I pray that if you are seriously considering this heretical/Satanic writing, that you are given the “Comforter’s” illumination, in conjunction with the fact that the Lord Himself confirmed Old and New Testament on the “Emmaus Road”, and elsewhere!


See:  Canon of Scripture


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