John's Gospel



Question: Why is John’s called the Gospel of Glory:


In part, because it shows the eventual ingathering of Israel.  Most interpretation and teaching is only aimed at Christians in Church Groups, but although most people do not realize that Israel is the focal point, when they do, much more of Scripture is understood, as so much is about them!


The start of John’s Gospel is revealing in this context.  Chapter 1:11, “Jesus came to His own, but they would not accept Him”.   Jesus states more than once, that He came only to Israel; His lost sheep, (Matt. 15:24)!  That statement by Jesus was confirmed by Paul, and although Gentiles were drawn to the Gospel message in Acts; it did not become almost exclusively to the Gentiles until Acts 28:25–28, when Paul declared that prophecy from Isaiah 6:9–10!


Israel’s rejection of Jesus as their Messiah, led to them becoming “Rejected by God”; set aside for a period of time called “Lo- Ammi” (not My people); Hos. 1&2!

The Gospel has since then been concentrated on all Gentiles of the World, and will be so until “the fullness of the Gentiles” is complete, (Rom.11:25)!


The “Glory of John’s Gospel” is the fact of Christ’s Post resurrection future ingathering of Israel by their rejected Messiah, Who is seen in John as “the Seeker, the Finder, and the Gatherer of His scattered People Israel” (quoted from the Companion Bible).


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