Jewish Messiah and the Future!


Question: Who is that religious Jewish man on the posters in Brooklyn, New York, with the writing “messiah” now in 2023?   What is meant if he is not the Jewish Messiah who will bring about the Messianic Age?


The Jewish Nation has been temporarily rejected at the present time, by God, due to their rejection of Jesus, and they are "lo-Ammi", (not My people) (Acts 28:28), and any of their comments made from their writings which do not conform to the original Scriptures are invalid.  Therefore the comments on the human parentage of Jesus from them is also invalid.  As a Melbourne Rabbi commented to the writer in1981, "Jesus was the son of a Roman Centurion", which is the common comment from such.  It was noted later that Josephus also states, that this story started around the time of Jesus' Crucifixion, see: Josephus: His Ref. to Jesus, "The Wonder Worker":

Jewish Messiah!   (Study)

Jewish Messiah and Israel    (Study)


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