Jewish Loss, Churches Loss!


Question: What similarities are there between the spiritual condition of Judah having lost the Scriptures and of the Church today having lost a Gospel according to 2Chronicles 34:14-35:27?


There are hurtful similarities, see below.

The majority of Jews are not in the "Body of Christ)!"  (Because of their rejection of Jesus as their Messiah), and whether living or dead from approx. AD 70 onwards await the "resurrection" specific to the Jews of Dan. 12:2 &13 and Ezek.

The fact of the "Lo-Ammi" (not My people) condition of the Jews at present, means that their "Prophetic progress" is at present halted. The fact of the 1948 'temporal' establishment of the 'State of Israel' and the fact that in 2018 it reached 70 years, augers that their 'Spiritual' Establishment is not too distant.  When that happens, they will be again "Ammi", (My people), and all events in prophecy OT and NT, (New Covenant) will quickly progress.

It is the writers personal beliefs that all 'resurrected' Jews will be given the opportunity to "look upon Him who they pierced" (Zech. 12:10), and that very few will then reject Christ Jesus.  (The destination of these resurrected Jews is different to that of Christ's Body, and almost certainly relates to their dwelling in the expanded Israel to the borders promised by Almighty God. Gen. 15:18).


The position of the Jews in Scripture, Old and New Testaments  (study)

Israel Lost, Israel Saved!  (study)

Israel, The Future?  (study)


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