Jacob's and Esau's Birth-right!



Question: Was the Events of the stealing of Esau’s birth-right a sin that God should have allowed


A very interesting question; and I thought the same when I read it for the first time.  I added it to my long list of objections when a young man! Over time, as I stuck to my reading and study schedule, I came to see and accept that God the Father would not allow any human failure to thwart His Plan of Salvation for the human race!  The key to this, and many such questions, is that God “looks upon the hearts” of people; and allows events to happen to further that “Great Salvation” Plan.


Some people object to this understanding; but, the Bible confirms it!


Some people even think that Satan’s authority on Earth, as “Prince of this World” is being usurped by God’s over-ruling; but in the Rules of engagement between God and Satan, Satan knows how far he can go in any situation.


The following is an extract from an earlier Paper:

Since the events of Gen. 42-46; to the stage of the Exodus, A dramatic change, was about to take place in the history of Israel!

After the failure of Eve and Adam in Eden, God gave a long range promise to the perpetrator (Satan), that he would be defeated and destroyed by “the seed of the woman” (Gen. 3:15).  The serpent had just had success in beguiling the woman to go against God’s will (sin); and she in turn had tempted Adam to also disobey God (sin).  Satan knew that if he succeeded with Eve, then death would follow (Gen. 2:17); and he would have a victory in his war with God!


The irony for Satan (the serpent), that his own first approach to the woman successfully produced death in this newly created female, but particularly in his main target Adam, as he (and all males) carry the responsibility of care for God’s instructions and Word, and theirs in particular is the responsibility to seek God’s Truth, and to cover their people (family) with its impartation!

Satan’s actions produced God’s curse on him, (Gen. 3:14 & 15), and it was not lost on him that his attack on Eve produced the reciprocal from God in the “seed of the woman”, and he knew that if the Gen. 3:15 prophecy came to fruition; he would be destroyed (Rev. 20:10)!


He therefore has been trying ever since to stop the prophecy of God from coming to fruition; and these attempts are seen in the failures of both Israel and Christendom as he wreaks havoc in the world, (1Peter 5:8).  For the individual Christ-one, (Christians true); the remedy for day to day living is detailed in Ephesians 6; and is not to be confused with Salvation; which is secure for the sincere heart!


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