Israel, God and Images



Question:  Why do Churches have statues when the Fourth Commandment clearly says “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in Heaven above, or that is in the Earth beneath, or that is in the water under the Earth”?


You are right in this question.

The commandment given was to the “Chosen People” in the Old Testament, (IE The Old Covenant).

That “Covenant” was never intended for people of the New Testament (New Covenant), as would have applied to Israel also if they would have accepted Jesus as their Messiah!

As is witnessed in Acts 28:25–28, Israel finally rejected the Risen Lord; and as prophesied in Isa. 6:9–10, and the “New Covenant” was then wide open to the Gentiles, and they became “first priority” whereas earlier in Acts (see: Cornelius), the Jews were “first priority”!

As an aside; this does not mean that the Jews are rejected by God forever, as some Churches teach; they are in a temporary state of rejection called (Lo-Ammi), which will change when they are rescued by God/Christ Jesus; as per God’s promise to them!  (See; Zech. 12:10)!

Now regarding your precise question; the Churches of today worldwide do have many statues to various individuals, which, if they are worshipped for themselves is wrong!  If they are understood to be a loving reminder of the True God/Saviour; they are not idolic in my opinion!

The problem that Israel had as an embryonic nation, just after being in the atmosphere of Egypt, where idols, witchcraft, and Necromancy was widespread and believed and adhered to by the Egyptian population, led by the Priests of Pharaoh, and led to the people of Israel constructing the “golden calf” for their worship whilst Moses was absent with God, re. the 10 Commandments!

It is symbolic that when Moses saw the “golden calf”, he smashed the Tablet of stone which contained the Commandments from God; which many people feel is a signal pre-curser to the Nation of Israel doing the same; as is summarised in Malachi.  However; the second attempt worked; which speaks of the death Resurrection and Ascension of Christ Jesus; (Gen. 3:15) now seated at the Right Hand of the Father; awaiting the time that He will collect His people!


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