Israel in Egypt


Question: What is the evidence for or against the claim that Israelites were in Ancient Egypt as descried in the book of Exodus?


The most likely approx. date for the Exodus is 1492–1497 BC, which corresponds with the Reign of Thutmose 2nd.

As he is the likely Pharaoh in that drama, and as he and all his army were killed in the pursuit of the Jews (Exodus 14: 26–28) it would explain the historical turmoil of that time, the lack of credible Egyptian record, and the fact that his wife reigned in his stead!

Also, the Egyptians did not record their failures, which is a fact in much of the world’s dictatorial record keeping, and also more subtly done in most governments !

Thutmose’s Mummy is displayed in Egypt, and it is noticeable that it is covered in cyst/boil scars, which would correspond with his fight with Moses/Almighty God in Exodus 9!

The earlier date shown, would also fit the fact that many structures/early pyramids were being built with bricks made from mud and straw, together with “enslavement settlements” (Exodus 5: 7–8).

One such slave town (Exodus 1:13–16) describes the rigour placed on the slaves by Pharaoh, in his efforts to subdue their spirit and to force his will.  The same site also shows a speedy departure at a later date, after the “angel of death” had “PASSED OVER”, and all the “first born” of Egypt had been killed by the Angel.  The departure had been so speedy that much of the “chattel” had been left behind (Exodus 12: 30–39).

During the “slave town”, KAHUN sites excavations of the dwellings, many skeletons of babies were uncovered, only a few months old, which would correspond with the order by Pharaoh to slaughter Hebrew infants!  (Exodus 1:16 & 1:22).


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