Israel and "Lo-Ammi", related to the 2 Covenants 


Question: Why did Rome “canonize” and label second half of the Bible “New Testament” when Hebrews 9:16-17 says a Testament is only in force after men are dead but Jesus wasn’t dead in the beginning of the “New Testament”  that wasn’t effective until Pentecost?


What are called Old and New Testaments, are the terms given by man to the two Covenants; i.e. First and Second Covenants.

The two are linked and related for the Salvation of mankind, from the events of Eden, and the successful intervention against Adam and Eve, propagated by the enemy of God and mankind, Satan!

The 1st. Covenant was given to mankind via the Hebrews, together with God’s Law and His attempt to relate with Israel all the way up to the time of their ultimate failure, which is summarized in Malachi!

However, the failure of Israel was foreseen by Almighty God, and He sent His Only Begotten Son to try a direct period of time with His Chosen People, explaining what the 1st. Covenant was attempting to do, and how the Priests and Prophets had misinterpreted and miss-taught the 1st. Covenant; and when that failed; the Son was Crucified in the place of Israel and Gentiles; with the “message”, that all the world’s peoples could now achieve Salvation and piece with God, by accepting the Gift of God in His Son’s Sacrifice!

As Jesus explained at His “Last Supper” with His disciples, His “Body and Blood” became the 2nd. Covenant for all the world’s people, who only had to accept “that great Salvation Gift”!

As can be seen in the Acts, when the Holy Spirit was sent in Acts 2, the progression and effect was dramatic, and there was much growth of the Christian Groups in the known world.

There was also much resistance especially by entrenched Jewish Groups, aided by the much feared and respected Paul of Tarsus, who was travelling the area with the mandate to kill all the hated Christians!

He was very effective; but; he was to experience a very special event on his journey to Damascus, as the Almighty via the Risen Christ Jesus appeared to him, blinded him and prostrated his Roman Guard!  When Paul spoke, he did so with interesting words; “who are you Lord”, the reply; “I AM Jesus who you persecute”.  When the encounter was over, Paul continued his journey until he reached Damascus and was met by Ananias, was baptized, and received back his sight!

Paul was a “Chosen Vessel of God/Jesus”, for very effective work in the early Church (Body of Christ).

Over time the Apostle Paul travelled to Rome, to visit all the Jewish Synagogues, to present the long promised Messiah, of Jewish prophecy; but; when visiting the last grouping of Jewish leaders, his message was rejected; and Paul enacted the prophecy of Isa. 6:9–10; which placed the Jews in the position of “Lo-Ammi” (not My people), which condition they will remain until the events of Zech.12:10!

That event positioned the Gentiles of the world in the prime position regarding Christ Jesus’ Salvation; and as the Isa. 6:9–10 prophecy predicted; “they will hear”; which has happened, and is ongoing until the Lord returns, and the prophecy of Romans 11:25–27 is complete!

So it is seen above that the two Covenants knit together for the Jews, and the intervening time is for the Gentile Evangelizing for the "Body of the Lord", until the completion of Romans 11:25; and the filling full of Romans 9:25–33!


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