Israel and Christ Jesus



Question:  In Exodus 32:9, is this the first time we discover this, or is this one of many times?


Depends on what you mean?

In the case in point (Israel, the chosen people), their idolic tendencies were picked up from Egypt, and they were just beginning to be exposed (reconditioned) to the one True God.

For the record, the next verse shows deliberately the anger of God, as they had been shown His Great Power in their release from Egypt, the destruction of the pursuing army of Pharaoh; and the parting of the Red Sea!

However, despite all they had been privileged to witness, their failures continued for hundreds of years, as summarised in Malachi; until they were made Lo-Ammi (not My people) in Acts 28:25–28, as prophesied in Isaiah 6:9–10.

Yet they will still be saved by God, as promised in the prophets, after the return of Christ Jesus to Earth, when they are experiencing “Jacobs” trouble!

They will then experience great emotion, when the see “whom they crucified (Zech. 12:10)!


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