God and Pharaoh


Question:  Was Pharaoh’s heart softer before God hardened it such that he may have been on the cusp of letting the people go, but God needed to block that possibility according to Exodus 9:12?



God is never in a quandary!

Pharaoh's resistance to God’s demands via Moses, led to death in Egypt, which is probably a mirror to prophecy re. the same demands against Satan in the future!

The whole of the Exodus record is probably prophetic in the sense of Jesus’ return to Earth, and the consequences for the people of that time who refuse to believe and comply!

It needs to be remembered that God stated that “One like unto Moses” (Deut.18:15) would be sent to Israel; obviously the Lord Christ Jesus!

What the world does not acknowledge sufficiently is that there is a deadly battle in place at present for the soul’s (eternal life) of mankind.  Many will die when Christ returns due to their adherence to Satan!

See:  Satan's Contest with God   


The Word of God is not fallible, 2Tim.3: 16–17.


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