Gentiles and Salvation


Question: What does it mean that Israel is a light to the Gentiles in Isaiah 49:6?


There is much confused thinking and teaching on the subject of the world’s Jews and Gentiles.  If people would study the Bible as the only authority as to knowing the answers to such questions; there would not be so much confusion; but; as Satan is the “prince of this world”, and “god of this world” according to statements by both Jesus and Apostle Paul: Jn. 12:31, 14:30, 16:11, Eph. 2:2 and 2Cor. 4:4; and as many people will not refer to Scripture only, the confusion will continue to Satan’s benefit till the end of this Age!

An old fallacy that is rearing its head again in the world’s teachings, is that Satan was “bound at the cross of Calvary”!   If a person accepts that as fact, their Bible study must start at Rev. 20, where the statement is made that Satan is bound!  This then throws out of sequence all their subsequent study, as they hang on to that false idea; and leaves them living now in the Millennial; which makes all other study difficult if not impossible to reconcile!

See:  God's Gentiles Blessing     (Comments & study)




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