Faith (In Christ Jesus)



Question:  Why do some people struggle with the concept of faith, though they read the Bible several times?


People have many comments on this subject.

However, it is a personal journey, with the help of the Holy Spirit; “the Comforter”.

Not to be forgotten is the fact of the entity called Satan, who presently rules on Earth, and throws many obstacles in the way of the pilgrim!

But, “greater is He who is in us” (1John 4:4).

Can Salvation be lost?  See:  Salvation; can it be lost?   

This is a frequently asked question by many Christians (Christ-Ones = The Body of Christ), especially in the early years of their Christian life, and especially after listening to various “teachers” and “preachers” who advocate in their sermons and lectures, that such can be the case!

Before looking at the subject in more detail, it has to be stated, that although there are many respectable teachers, preachers, vicars and priests; very many do not have a Biblical grasp of their subject, and only teach what they themselves have been taught.  These people are usually of one Sect or another, or one Church or another, where there is a fixed “doctrine”, which is often not Scriptural, (defined here as conforming to their Bible), which may vary from Denomination to Denomination.  See: Veracity of the Bible:

How then to know which Bible is Authentic?  The following link gives the writers definition of the True Word of God Almighty.  Canon of Scripture.

Working from the Christ Authenticated Scriptures, we can examine what He has to say on the subject in hand.


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