Exodus Events



Question:  What are the main events in Exodus?


The fight between God (via Moses and Aaron) and Pharaoh (Satan).

The “Passover” of the angel of death.

The mass flight from Egypt to the Red Sea.

The parting of the Red Sea.

“Manna from Heaven”.

The giving of “the Law”.

The institution of the “Tabernacle”.

The rebellion of Israel, and the “Golden Calf”.

The fear of the “spies” and Israel.

The condemnation of Israel for its lack of Trust in Jehovah God.

Gods’ dictate that they shall “wander” for 40 years in the desert, for their faithlessness.

Water from “the rock”.

The plague of “serpents”.

The solution to the plague.

The “Golden serpent” raised.

Moses’ death prior to the entry to the “Promised Land”.


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